Observance of World Water Day at the Dairy and Food Technology College

( 7130 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 03 Apr, 24 04:04

Observance of World Water Day at the Dairy and Food Technology College

The Dairy and Food Technology College, affiliated with MPUAT, celebrated World Water Day. 
Dr. Lokesh Gupta, the college's administrator, highlighted the significance of water in Indian culture, where the deity of water, Varuna Deva, holds a prominent place in blessings and rituals. He emphasized the need to integrate water conservation practices with auspicious ceremonies, following the age-old tradition. Despite abundant water resources on Earth, the availability of clean drinking water is diminishing daily. He stressed our ethical responsibility to conserve water, as we cannot produce it but can certainly preserve it. He cited the example of Udaipur's lakes as a commendable instance of water conservation and urged everyone to emulate the invaluable legacy of our ancestors in preserving water for future generations. As an educational institution, he emphasized the college's role in not only producing experts in dairy and food technology but also responsible and aware citizens. He called for collective efforts to prevent water wastage not only at the college but also in homes and communities, asserting that collective action will lead to success in achieving the objectives of World Water Day.
Dr. Kamlesh Kumar, Assistant Professor and Additional Student Welfare Administrator, mentioned the organization of rangoli and poster competitions on this occasion. In the rangoli competition, Hansa Chaudhary and Nikita Katara secured the first position, while in the poster competition, Saisha Isha Taj and Ankit Singh Shekhawat's team clinched the top spot. The highlight of the program was the folk song performance by Manav Joshi and Devendra Chaudhary, which enthralled the audience. As part of the event, Manav Joshi conducted the invocation of Varuna Deva at the college's well, leading the faculty and staff in a worship ceremony.

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