Youth Organization "Samata Yuva Sangh" Celebrates Jivdaya Week

( 4832 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 02 Feb, 24 10:02

Youth Organization "Samata Yuva Sangh" Celebrates Jivdaya Week

Udaipur: Udaipur s part of the ongoing Golden Diksha Mahotsavof JainAcharyaShri Ramesh, observed under the theme"MahaMahotsav-Mera Mahotsav," the Samata Yuva Sangh in Udaipur marked the Jivdaya (compassion for livingbeings)WeekfromJanuary 7 to January 14. The nationwide event involved various service activities for the welfare of hundreds of animals. OnJanuary7,membersof SamataYuvaSanghrendered serviceatShriKrishnaMahavir Gaushala in Mavli, Udaipur. Approximately100cowswere provided with green fodder as part of the Jivdaya initiative. On January 12, various activities were carried out, including feeding cows and birds at different locations across the city. This involved distributingfooditems suchas grains,biscuits,andriceatdesignatedspots,benefitingstray animals and birds. On January 13, as part of the national Jivdaya program, asignificant serviceeventtook p l a c e a t Ka i n Ho u s e Cooperative Gaushala in Teetardi. Around 1500+ kilograms of green fodder were distributed to approximately 600-700cowsandbulls residing there. The culmination of the Jivdaya Week on January 14 includeddiverseserviceactivities. In the morning, the Samata Yuva Sangh conducted a service event at Parakhet,Kaladwas,Udaipur, in collaboration with Shree Shivshakti Gaushala, where about 100 cows and bulls received medical check-ups and treatments. A quintal of greenfodderwasalsoprovided for their sustenance. Moreover, in collaboration with veterinary experts, medical inspections were carried outforanimals,andnecessary medications, injections, and treatmentswereadministered. Allmedicinesweregenerously provided by the Samata Yuva Sangh.

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