Shree Sanwaliya Seth's Treasury Unveils Treasure Trove, Millions in Cash Discovered

( 6084 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 02 Feb, 24 10:02

Shree Sanwaliya Seth's Treasury Unveils Treasure Trove, Millions in Cash Discovered

Rajasamand: Inaremarkable revelation, the revered Kri s h n a Dh a m , Sh r e e Sanwaliya Seth's treasury, yielded a substantial sum of Rs 10,67,14,476 in cash after the final count on Monday. Additionally, a separate contribution of Rs 2,03,00,000 was received in the form of online donations over the past month.In comparison to the previous year, there has been a significant increase of 40% in the amount collected during this month.The counting process involved three phases, with the first phase totaling Rs6,21,70,000,thesecondphaseamountingtoRs2,75,05,000, and the third and final phase resulting in Rs 1,67,17,476. The cumulative amount from all phases of counting reached Rs 10,67,14,476. Furthermore, an additional contribution of Rs 2,03,00,000 was received through online and donation counters. In total, the treasury amassed an impressive sum of Rs 12,70,14,476. The counting process was supervised by various officials, including Bhairulal Gurjar, the president of the temple committee,SanjayKumarMandovara,BhairulalSoni,Administrative OfficerNandkishorTailor,PropertyManagerKalulalTeli,Harlal Gurjar, bank employees, and temple committee staff. The inventory revealed 1.190 kg of gold and 16.770 kg of silver from the treasury, while the donation counters received 0.1386 kg of gold and 39.549 kg of silver. Thisrevelationhasnotonlyshowcasedthefinancialstrength of Shree Sanwaliya Seth's temple but also emphasizes the continuous support and devotion of its devotees.

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