The Udaipur Bird Festival Culminates with a Call to Preserve

( 5248 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 02 Feb, 24 10:02

The Udaipur Bird Festival Culminates with a Call to Preserve

Udaipur (Dr.Munesh Arora): In the grand finale of the Udaipur Bird Festival, the Governor of Assam, Mr. Gulabchand Kataria, emphasizedtheneedtopreservethe natural beauty, biodiversity, and heritage of Mewar. Acknowledging the rich gifts bestowed upon the region by natureandancestors,heenvisioned Udaipur becoming the world'sforemostdestinationfor natural beauty and heritage conservation. Addressingtheclosingceremony at the Bappa Rawal Sabha Ghar on the campus o f M o h a n l a l Su k h a d i a University, Mr. Kataria spoke passionately about the mountains, greenery, rivers, and lakes that nature provided, coupled with the foresight of ancestors who constructed water reservoirs in every village. He cited examples like the Rajasamand and Jaysamand lakes, highlighting the farsightedness of past rulers in ensuring water availability for generations. Mr. Kataria stressed the importance of the younger generationinpreservingthese legacies. He noted that the youth must recognize the significanceofthesenaturaltreasures; otherwise, their conservation might be compromised. He commended initiatives like the Udaipur Bird Festival forfostering a love for nature and birds among the youth, considering them crucial custodians of these legacies. Prominent figures present at the event included Member of Parliament Arjun Meena, Udaipur City MLA Tarachand Jain,Vallabhnagar MLAUday Lal Dangi, District Collector Arvind Poswal, CEO of WWF IndiaRaviSingh,RajpalSingh, r e tir e d Ch i e f Fo r e s t Conservator N.C. Jain, and others. Thefestival,spanningthree days, witnessed active participation from bird enthusiasts andenvironmentalists.Various competitionswereheldduring the event to recognize young talents, honoring winners across different categories. The Governor acknowledged the efforts of the Bird Watching teams and students who shared their experiences during the festival. Six teams, comprising bird watchers and students, explored different regions of the district for bird watching, enhancing their understandingofrarespecies, local biodiversity, and environmental conditions. Theclosingceremonyalso celebrated the winners of diversecompetitionsheldduringthefestival,reinforcingthe connectionbetweentheyouth andtheavianworld.Theevent emphasizednotonlytheenjoymentofnaturalbeautybutalso served as an essential educational platform for the district's youthandbirdwatchers, fostering a deeper understanding of nature, biodiversity, and environmental conservation.

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