Celebrating Congress Foundation Day in Udaipur Rural

( 9128 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 05 Jan, 24 09:01

Celebrating Congress Foundation Day in Udaipur Rural

Udaipur: The Congress party observed its 139th Foundation Day at the rural district office, marking a historic occasion that resonates with the sacrifices made for the nation's unity and integrity. Prominent leaders, including Shri Kacharu Lal Choudhary, Shri Jagdish Raj Shrimalli, and Shri Laxmi Narayan Pandya, emphasized the party's steadfast dedication to principles of truth, non-violence, mutual respect, and fraternity.
Shri Kacharu Lal Choudhary, the President of Udaipur Rural District Congress, highlighted the significance of the day, acknowledging the party's role in shaping India's diverse democracy. He stressed that the Congress party, founded 139 years ago, continues its commitment to the welfare of the people and building a prosperous nation.
Former State Minister Shri Jagdish Raj Shrimalli spoke about the principles that define the Congress party – justice, freedom, equality, and the struggle for the rights of every citizen. He emphasized that the party has played a pivotal role in various achievements of the country, from the independence movement to economic liberalization, green revolution, and information revolution.
Shri Laxmi Narayan Pandya, exuding pride, discussed the continuous contribution of Congress to the nation-building process. He underscored the party's unwavering commitment to democracy, secularism, and constitutional values.
The celebration concluded with a reaffirmation of the Congress party's commitment to the values of justice, freedom, equality, and the continued service to the nation.

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