Successful Surgery Corrects Child's Scoliosis, Providing a New Lease on Life

( 8842 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 10 Nov, 23 07:11

Successful Surgery Corrects Child's Scoliosis, Providing a New Lease on Life

Udaipur: Pa c i fi c MedicalCollege&Hospital, Bedla, recently witnessed alife-transformingsurgical procedureasa14-year-old child from Rani Kheda, Nimbaheda,sufferingfrom severescoliosis(anabnormalcurvatureofthespine), underwent successful surgery, giving him a chance at a new, healthier life. The young child had been struggling with the debilitating effects of scoliosis from a very young age. Every time he tried to stand upright, his body would bend to one side. According to the child's family, this condition had been noticeable since he was around eight to ten. Despite consultations at various hospitals, no relief was found. Finally, in pursuitofaneffectivesolution, the child's family turned to Pacific Medical College & Hospital in Bhilwara. Upon examination by Dr. Deepak Agrawal, a spine surgeon at the hospital, it was determined that the child was indeed suffering from scoliosis, whichhadresultedina58- degree curvature of the spine. After a meticulous six-houroperation,thecurvature was successfully reduced to 15 degrees. Thissurgicalprocedure involved the dedicated efforts of Dr. R.N. Laddha from the Department of Orthopedics, along with Dr. Deepak Agrawal and Dr.AnurodhShadilya,both spinesurgeons.Theymanaged to correct the curvature in the child's spine. The Anesthesiology department, including Dr. Prakash Oudichya, Dr. SameerGoyal,Dr.Vikram Singh, and intensive care and critical care specialist Dr.Maninder,playedacrucialrole in the procedure's success. Dr. DeepakAgrawal, a spine surgeon at PMCH, pointed out that such conditions can be congenital, even from birth. While some children manifest these problems early, others develop them as they growolder.Inthis case,the child's spinal issue had become noticeable over the past nine to ten years.With the support of Chiranjeevi Yojana, a healthcareinitiativeforchildren, and assistance from thehospitalmanagement, the child received treatment free of cost

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