Women Empowerment Celebrated at Nari Shakti Bharte Kadam 2.0 Conference

( 6783 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 10 Nov, 23 07:11

Women Empowerment Celebrated at Nari Shakti Bharte Kadam 2.0 Conference

Udaipur recently witnessed a grand celebration of women empowerment at the Nari Shakti Bharte Kadam 2.0 conference held at Sukhadiya Theater. This event was organized by Jain Social Groups International Federation MewarMarwarRegion23-25,withtheactiveparticipation of Jain Social Group Vijay Udaipur and Jain Social Group Sangini Vijay Udaipur. The chief guest for the conference, His Excellency Gulab Chand Kataria, Governor of Assam, lauded the pivotal role women play in society. He emphasized the historical reverence for women in India, citing examples of women's immensecontributions tothenation's culture and progress. He pointed out that women have been at the forefront of various fields, from religion to space exploration, underscoring that they are no longer lagging behind in any domain. Governor Kataria praised the impact of women's reservation policies, highlighting the accomplishments of Madhu Mehta, a former district chief, as a testamenttotheopportunitiesprovidedbythese policies. He emphasized the importance of education for women, believing that it is a potent tool to combat injustice. In hi s addres s , Rashtrasant Chandraprabh Maharaj echoed the sentiment of equality within society as a prerequisite for women's empowerment. He emphasized that until gender discrimination is eradicated entirely, true equality cannot be achieved. Chandraprabh Maharaj celebrated the role of women in religious practices, penance, and sacrifice, highlighting the historical prominence of women in Indian culture.During the conference, women attendees expressed their views on societal issues and the importance of values. They stressed the need for values to be impartedtobothdaughtersandsons.Theattendeesalsotookpledgesagainstdowryand female foeticide and advocated for better communication between spouses. Theeventhonorednotablewomenwith Nari Gaurav decorations, recognizing their remarkable contributions to society. Mrs. Anila Kothari, Mrs. Madhu Mehta, Mrs. Vinita Ordia, Mrs. Dr. Madhu Nahar, Mrs. Dr. Deepali Dhing, Mrs. Ranjana Ostwal,Mrs.MadhuMehta,Mrs.Archana Jain, and Mrs. Preeti Saruparia were among the distinguished honorees. Notably,theconferencealsoexplored theideaofarrangingmarriageswithinthe Jain community and promoting pre-marriage counseling to foster better relationshipsbetweencouples.TheNariShakti Bharte Kadam 2.0 conference was a vibrant celebration of women's achievements and an exploration of the path forward for gender equality and empowerment.Themessageoftheeventwasclear: Women have always been a powerful force, and their potential should be harnessed to create a more equitable and prosperous society.

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