Dr. Lalit Bhasin honoured

( 11834 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 04 Jan, 23 09:01

Dr. Lalit Bhasin honoured

Dr. Lalit Bhasin honoured with Lifetime Achievement AwardThis honour was bestowed in the distinguished presence of many King's Counsel from England and several legal luminaries from India. The venue in the House of Lords was overlooking river Thames and the London Eye.
Mr. Harish Salve, eminent Senior Counsel of India was also conferred Lifetime Achievement Award. The Award presenters were Ms. Lubna Shuja, President of the Law Society of England and Wales, Mr. Virender Sharma, Member House of Commons, Mr. Marc Fenhall, President Bar Council of U K. and Mr. Ajit Mishra, Chairman U.K.- India, Legal Partnership

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