“Trust EV : Awareness Oath” gratis training program

( 21786 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 16 Jun, 22 10:06

“Trust EV : Awareness Oath” gratis training program

In a bid to accelerate the interest in invention of advanced vehicle for the future, Er. Neha Sakka, daughter of Udaipur, has trained more than 500 young engineers under her “ Trust EV : Awareness Oath” gratis training program since 14/05/2022. Different concepts covering both business and technical aspect in reference to State EV Policy , FAME-II and MoP guidelines for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure(2022) with an aim of developing deep understanding of various concepts of SNA, IA, CAN, Power Utility, Land Procurement, CPO, CMS,E-MSP,E-Roaming, OCPP, CS Types, Connector Guns, and other internal components as Battery pack, Motor control, BMS, Controller, Regenerative braking and inter-relation & working of different agencies in whole Electric Vehicle Industry. 
Under  “ Trust EV : Awareness Oath- Empowering Women” a total of 150 women engineers from reputed colleges of India including Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, Delhi , MKSSS’s Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Pune, Maharashtra & Rajasthan Women Engineering College, Jaipur, Rajasthan along with them, under “ Trust EV : Awareness Oath- Empowering Youth”  undergraduates from co-ed colleges as Government Polytechnic College, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, Government Polytechnic College, Kishtwar, Jammu and Kashmir, KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi NCR Ghaziabad, UP, YCET, Jammu and Kashmir, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, Jaipurand KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uthupalayam, Tamil Nadu, were given free training on Electric Vehicle with a target of inspiring undergraduate to work towards innovative ideas to improve the efficiency of whole ecosystem. Er. Neha Sakka is an Electrical Engineer in Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd, Rajasthan.She is the first Electrical Engineer in her conservative Society.“Trust Ev” is her individual effort as human being to save the planet Earth without any financial or otherwise involvement of any company or organization. This supported India’s high aim of “India 30@30” which pledged to have 30 % of vehicle as Electric Vehicle on road by 2030.

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