Seedling School organizes ‘Cooking without Flame’ Competition

( 61143 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 02 May, 22 12:05

Dr.Shameem Quader

Seedling School organizes ‘Cooking without Flame’ Competition

Seedling Modern Public School conducted a ‘Fireless Cooking’ competition on29th April’22 with a view to creating awareness about the nutritional value of food cooked without flame.

It really sounds incredible to imagine cooking without fire. Is it possible? “Yes very much possible!” said the students of grades 7 and 8 of Seedling School. The competition was organized with the objective to check and enhance the culinary skills of the students. The young chefs displayed their talent by presenting numerous innovative dishes and explaining the necessity and advantages of healthy eating and staying away from junk food.

Through this activity, the students learned the spirit of teamwork, culinary skills, and appreciation of the hard work put into cooking. The aim of the activity was also to provide a platform for students to showcase their talent and explore new areas of interest.

The students prepared healthy dishes like Cucumber Avocado Rolls, Papaya Salad, Butterfly Pea Lemonade, Cashew Paan Delight, and many more using easy and quick recipes. They served the dishes in an artistic and aesthetic way which was most appealing and the display was a visual treat tickling to the taste buds.

Each class prepared 3-4 items which included a drink, snacks, and a dish of their choice. The competition was judged on the basis of presentation, cleanliness, teamwork and taste of food.

The principal of the school, Ms. Keerti Maken said that the aim of this activity was to provide a platform for the students to showcase their talent and explore new areas of interest and create awareness about the nutritional values of the food cooked without fire.

The mission of this activity was to motivate and empower children to make healthy food choices with fresh, affordable food items. Getting children evolved in preparing food teaches them safety and creativity in addition to helping them learn responsibility and awareness about the nutritional world.

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