CCRT in New Role

( 27444 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 26 Jun, 20 10:06

 CCRT in New Role

The Centre for Cultural Resources and Training, New Delhi has started Facebook Lec-dem series showcasing various aspects of Art and Culture. Experts are sharing their knowledge and rich experience with students, teachers, artists and art lovers.Prompted by the Head Office, CCRT’s Regional Centre at Udaipur recently organized two special sessions on Facebook on 18 and 20 June,2020.
Noted Theratre Personality, Shri Bhau Bharti gave an exhaustive talk on the Indian Theatre on 18 June. He visited Regional Centre’s office and delivered his illustrative talk encompassing various styles of theatre existed in India from ancient time; Right from Sanskrit Classics to Traditional Folk Theatre and Contemporary  dramas practiced in various parts of India.  His experiments with the Traditional Tribal Ritualistic Theatre of Mewar “Gavri” were given special mention. His talk was supported with various photographs of the classic dramas directed by him like ‘Andha Yug’, ‘Tuglak’, ‘ Pashu Gayatri’,  ‘Amar Beej’ ‘Katha kahee ek Jale Ped ne’, and ‘Tamasha Na hua’. Bhanu ji emphasized the significance of Creativity in Folk Theatre and the liberty taken by the performers with the limited stage property involving indigenous imaginative costumes and stage props. His master works ‘Andha Yug’ and ‘Tuglak’ have been presented on huge stage of Firozshah Kotla, New Delhi with grand success. Art lovers of Udaipur witnessed the videos of these Classic plays in University Guest House auditorium last year.
Shri Ramesh Thanvi, a well known Educationist, Philosopher and literary personality from Jaipur interacted with people on the role of education in present scenario.His talk was stuffed with Sanskrit Shlokas, Verses, Quotations of Great personalities and folk songs emphasizing the values of Indian culture. 
He described that Education with values would sustain for ever. True education has no scope for fear, arrogance, self-righteous and violence.  Education must lead everyone together on the path of progress. It should have holistic approach and ensure welfare for every human being. Education must encourage people for protection of all the elements of Nature.We have suffered because of our ignorance towards Nature.
He gave examples from our ancient culture,history and society. Giving examples of  Nachiketa, Lord Krishna, Lord Ram, Gandhi ji,Swami Vivekanand, Vinoba Bhave and Giju Bhai, he emphasized on the universal brotherhood to attain prosperity for everyone.His talk on 20 June was heard by many people connected with Education.
More experts would join CCRT in coming time to enlighten people.Teachers and Scholars are looking forward to more such Lec-dem series which would go a long way in preserving and promoting our rich cultural heritage.  
- Vilas janve

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