
Hindustan Zinc Signs Landmark Agreement for 180 LNG Vehicles

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26 Oct, 23 10:46
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Hindustan Zinc Signs Landmark Agreement for 180 LNG Vehicles

Udaipu: Hindustan Zinc, a Vedanta group company and India’s largest & only integrated producer of Zinc, Lead&Silver, hasunveiled two ground breaking initiatives that underscores their commitment towards environmental stewardship through strategic partnership and cutting-edge technology. In a significant move towards green transportation, the company has joined forceswithGreenline, a subsidiary of Essar Group, by signing contract for 180 Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) vehicles. The contract was signed between HZL CEO – Mr. Arun Misra and Greenline CEO – Mr. Anand Mimani. Additionally, the company haslaunchedZeroLiquidDischarge(ZLD)Plant Phase 1 in collaboration with Ion Exchange (India)LtdatZawarMines.TheZLDPlanthaving a capacity of 4,000 KLD which will utilize advanced technology and help in water conservation. With the deployment of 180 LNG vehicles, Hindustan Zinc will reduce its carbon footprint in inter unit transportation and finished goods transportation by 30% in comparison to traditional diesel vehicles. These vehicles will contributetowards reductioninScope3emissions and mitigate noise aligning with its philosophy of operating a sustainably conscious operation. Simultaneously, the ZLD Plant will facilitate water recovery which reaffirms the company’s vision of ZeroWaste&Zero Discharge. The ZLD plant at Zawar Mines results in reduction of freshwater dependency, aligning with the vision of becoming 5 times Water Positive by 2025.Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Arun Misra, CEO – Hindustan Zinc & Executive Director –Vedanta said,“In our pursuit of a sustainable future, these initiatives stand as pillars of our commitment. The introduction of LNG vehicles in our supply chain andinaugurationofZLDPlantatZawarreflects ourdedicationtopushingboundaries,embracing innovation, and weaving environmental responsibility into every part of our operations. At Hindustan Zinc, we believe in pioneering a legacy of sustainable practices and transformative change. These endeavours epitomize ourvisiontoachieveSustainabilityDevelopment Goals by 2025 and aligns with our approved SBTi targets to reduce 50% of absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions and further reduction of 25% of absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions FY2030 from the base year FY2020.”

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यह खबर निम्न श्रेणियों पर भी है: Zinc
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