
HZL : Sakhi Program Uthori Campaign Impac

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26 Apr, 24 10:00
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HZL : Sakhi Program Uthori Campaign Impac

Hindustan Zinc's Sakhi Project recently concluded its impactful Uthori Campaign, spanning over a month and a half, aimed at addressing pressing societal issues and sensitizing rural communities. The campaign, conducted across operational areas including Agucha, Chanderiya, Dariba, Debari, Kayad, Pantnagar, and Zawar, successfully reached and engaged more than 90,000 individuals. Through various channels such as village drives, group discussions,rallies, and school sessions, the Uthori Campaign effectively raised awareness on critical issues likeDomesticViolence,ChildMarriage,FemaleFoeticide, UnequalEducationOpportunities,andChildSexualAbuse. A significant aspect of the initiative was the formation of a dedicated group of 'Gender Sakhis', comprising women trained to educate their peers and the wider community on these vital matters. One of the campaign's highlights was the training and sessions onSafe and UnsafeTouch conducted byGender Sakhis in numerous schools within operational areas. Additionally,anenlighteningsessiononInclusioninSports showcased the transformative role of sports in promoting inclusivity and equal opportunities.Innovating within the Uthori segment,afive-dayResidentialTheatreWorkshop, supported by Katha Manch, Delhi, empowered thirty Sakhi women with theatrical mediums to address social issues. These women showcased their talent and advocacy at Sakhi Utsav events, amplifying awareness on a larger platform.The Sakhi Project, initiated by Hindustan Zinc, aims to bring socio-economic empowerment among rural andtribalwomenbymobilizingthemintoSelf-HelpGroups (SHGs)andprovidingvocationaltrainingorentrepreneurship opportunities.Currentlybenefitingaround27,000+women, theprogramservesasabeaconofhopeforboththewomen involved and the communities they reside in.

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यह खबर निम्न श्रेणियों पर भी है: Zinc
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