
Krishna Kanwar Gehlot of B.N. Girls College will represent Rajasthan in National Skating Championship

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28 Nov, 22 08:57
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Krishna Kanwar Gehlot of B.N. Girls College will represent Rajasthan in National Skating Championship

Udaipur. Krishna Kanwar Gehlot, a student of the B.N. Girls Unit of Bhupal Nobles University, participated in the Rajasthan State Level Skating Championship held at Jodhpur on 5-6 November. College Dean Dr. Devendra Singh Sisodia said that in the 60th National Skating Championship to be held in Bengaluru from December 11 to 22, Krishna Kanwar Gehlot will represent Rajasthan as the only player selected from all over Rajasthan in the alpine and downhill events. The institute welcomed Krishna Kanwar Gehlot's best performance and representation of Rajasthan, and best wishes were given to her.

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यह खबर निम्न श्रेणियों पर भी है: Sports News
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