
Government Committed to Pure Food, Cracks Down on Adulteration

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15 Jul, 24 08:03
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Government Committed to Pure Food, Cracks Down on Adulteration

Udaipur : The state government’s "Pure Food - Wa r o n Ad u l te r a t i o n " campaign, initiated by the Chief Minister, is proving effective in ensur ing pure food for everyone and cracking down on adulterators. Thousands of food samples have been tested across the state, including Udaipur, with strict action taken against traders and adulterators found guilty. This has led to significant relief for the general public from food adulteration. The right to pure food is universal, and adulteration is a crime against humanity. Recently, the Supreme Court also expressed concern over food adulteration and urged the government to take strict measures. The Rajasthan g o v e r nme n t h a s b e e n proactive in this regard, with Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma committing to curb adulteration and ensure pure food for the public. This commitment is being realized through the "Pure Food - War on Adulteration" campaign. Intensive Actions in Udaipur The campaign is being conducted extensively across the state. In Udaipur district, the Medical and Heal th Department is conducting rigorous actions under this campaign. From January 1 to June 30, 2024, food safety of f i cer s inspec ted 288 locations, including grocery stores, hotels, restaurants, and dairies. The team collected 218 samples, of which 39 were found sub-standard and 2 unsafe. The department has filed 28 cases in court, resolving 17 with fines totaling 11.40 lakh rupees. Adulterators in Panic The continuous inspections led by food safety officers have c r e a te d pa n i c amo n g adulterators. Food vendors are now more cautious about selling standard quality items, resulting in the availability of purer food for the public. Chief Medical and Health Officer Dr. Shankar Bamnia and Food Safety Officer Ashok Gupta reported that inspections and sample collections in Udaipur have exceeded targets. While the target was 180 samples from January to June, 218 samples have been collected. The campaign will continue with regular inspections and s t r i c t a c t i o n s a g a i n s t adulterators.

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यह खबर निम्न श्रेणियों पर भी है: National News
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