
Congress Unveils "Nyaya Patra" Manifesto for Lok Sabha Elections 2024

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17 Apr, 24 10:12
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Congress Unveils "Nyaya Patra" Manifesto for Lok Sabha Elections 2024

The Congress party hasunveileditsmanifesto,titled"Nyaya Patra," for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, under the leadership of Mallikarjun Kharge and Rahul Gandhi. This manifesto lays out a comprehensive vision for addressing the diverse needs and aspirations of the Indian populace. It promises significant reforms across various sectors, including the reinstatement of the Planning Commission, automatic disqualification for partyswitching legislators, and a strong emphasis on justice and equity for all sections of society. Key highlights of the manifesto include police and legal reforms, transparent public engagement through rallies, and adherence to democratic principles. With ten pillars focusing on job creation, reservation quotas, economic restructuring, social welfare, women's empowerment, agricultural development,educationinitiatives,electoralandparliamentary reforms, the manifesto sets a benchmark for accountability and responsiveness ingovernance.Incontrasttoitsprevious "Jan-Awaaz" manifesto of 2019, the "Nyaya Patra" manifesto reflects grassroots feedbackandaims toaddresspressingissueswhilechampioning the values of justice and equity in Indian society.


Congress's "Nyaya Patra" manifesto represents a comprehensive vision for a more just and equitable society, aiming to address the diverse needs and aspirations of the Indian populace. As the political landscape evolves, the manifesto sets a benchmark for accountability and responsiveness to public demands. - Dr. Munesh Arora

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यह खबर निम्न श्रेणियों पर भी है: National News
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