
The crops waving to go to sleep

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26 Apr, 24 10:32
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The crops waving to go to sleep

The crops waving to go to sleep
Cattle dozing near my cottage
Hawks flying from sky to horizon
Bees buzzing over honey combs
Curious soul searches for beloved
Birds set on the tree branches
Chicks chirpings forthemothers touch
Hungary tiger moves to hunting
Deer have to protect at evening
Curious soul searches for beloved
In night serpent comes hiss! Hiss!
Poison of aloofness runs in veins
Mid night darkness horrifies
Vernon burst out from cool heart
Curious soul searches for beloved
Beside a date tree at oceans
Tide arousing breaks silence
Spreading moonlight on sand
Blowing bizarre breeze touches soul
Burning flames spreads lust love
Endeavour for quench the passion
Restless heart yields for love gratification
Wines are sprouted in reddish eyes
Curious soul searches for beloved
Nishat,Assistant professor, Department of English,
R.N.T. P.G. College, Kapasan Chittorghar

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यह खबर निम्न श्रेणियों पर भी है: Litrature News
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