
PTSD can be a serious indicator of a mental condition, don't ignore it

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10 Nov, 23 07:48
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PTSD can be a serious indicator of a mental condition, don't ignore it

Udaipur: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a type of mental problem that occurs after a traumatic incident. Situations such as car accidents, falling fromheights,gettingtrappedsomewhere, have a significant impact on a person's mental state. After such events, individuals often experience symptoms like flashbacks, nightmares related to the incident, and high levels of anxiety. Dr. Chetan Goyal, Head of Critical Care at Paras Health, Udaipur, explained that it is crucial to pay close attention to the symptoms of the individual first. Many times, patients with this problem are so tangled up in it that they don't even realize what is happening, and even if they do, we tend to overlook it sometimes.Therefore,itisessentialtopayattention to the symptoms and seek treatment for the patient. Dr. Sandeep Bhatnagar, Director of InternalMedicineatParasHealth,Udaipur, mentioned that understanding changes in a patient's behavior is essential. The person may start withdrawing from social settings,avoidingpeople,preferringtobe alone. Ifasevereaccidentorincidentoccurs, and the person survives, they often cannot escape from flashbacks even after recovery. They keep thinking about this dangerous incident. The person also faces sleep-related issues and may experience depression. In such cases, it is necessary to observe the patient's symptoms and immediately seekpsychologicaltreatmentfromamental health professional. Ifyoutakethepatienttoamentalhealth doctor in a timely manner, they provide treatment through counseling, hypnosis, and medications. Therefore, my suggestionistopayattentiontothepatient'ssymptoms, and if they exhibit such problems, contact a mental health professional immediately."

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