
Professor Amarika Singh stepped into a significant role as an advisor at NIMS

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17 Apr, 24 11:25
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Professor Amarika Singh stepped into a significant role as an advisor at NIMS

Fo r m e r Vi c e - ChancellorProfessor Amarika Singh has stepped into a significant role as an advisor at NIMS University, marking a pivotal moment for the institution's trajectory. His appointment heralds a new era for NIMS, signaling a strategic shift towards global prominence and academic distinction. Professor Singh's vision for NIMS is ambitious yet focused: to position it as a premierglobaldestinationforhigher education, revered for its institutional excellence and adherence to rigorous global standards. His leadership is poised to propel NIMSinto the international spotlight, setting a benchmark for academic brilliance and institutional integrity. CentraltoProfessorSingh's agenda is the elevation of NIMS to global standards, where academic excellence serves as the cornerstone of its identity. He envisions NIMS as a beacon of educational excellence, drawing students and scholars fromacross theglobe to its halls, inspired by its reputation for academic rigor and innovation. In his new role, Professor Singh is determined to redefine the contours of higher education in India, advocating for a paradigm shift towards quality technical education. Heunderscorestheimperative of setting benchmarks for excellence,aligningwithglobalrankings,andfosteringaculture of innovation and entrepreneurship within Indian universities. Drawing upon his rich academic experience, Professor Singh is poised to steer NIMS towards unprecedented success, leveraging his insights to shape its future trajectory. His commitment to nurturing creativity,fosteringinnovation, and providing a conducive environmentforgrowthunderscoreshisdedicationtotheuniversity'sholisticdevelopment. Professor Singh's leadershipisunderpinnedbyadeepseatedcommitmenttopreparingNIMSstudents forthechallengesoftomorrow,equipping them with the skills and acumen to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape. His emphasis onindustryrelevance,research excellence, and student employabilityunderscoreshis vision for NIMS as a dynamic huboflearningandinnovation. Th e a p p o i n t m e n t o f ProfessorSinghhasbeenmet with widespread acclaim from the NIMS community, who view it as a harbinger of positive change and transformation. With his guidance and vision, NIMS is poised to ascendtonewheightsofexcellence, cementing its position asaglobal leaderinhighereducation.

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