
PFC Education Celebrates Holi with Enthusiasm

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03 Apr, 24 04:36
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Shabnam Bano

PFC Education Celebrates Holi with Enthusiasm

Udaipur (Shabnam Bano): PFC Education joyously celebrated the festival of Holi today within its premises. The director of PFC Education, Meenakshi Bherwani, mentioned that such programs are organized for knowledge exchange and to boost children's motivation. Often in the pursuit of academics, we forget that children also need mental peace; such programs prove to be quite helpful in this regard. Several ACCE affiliates seniors also participated in this event, guiding juniors about their careers.
Juniors could connect with seniors because some children have shifted to the UK for jobs, and through such meets, they can interact with those who have already settled there, gaining trust and insight into job opportunities in the UK. Many of PFCI Education's students are in the UK, and there's also a considerable number working in a particular area in Australia.
In this festival, along with members of the local community, students of PFC Education and their families were also present. Children showcased their special talents and actively participated in games, not only enjoying themselves but also boosting their enthusiasm.
PFC Education's students Nihal, Swarnim, Mahak, and Amaltullah won everyone's hearts with their art. The program also had hoopers from Letushu Studio, who joined in the Holi festivities at the end, playing Holi together."

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