
Diwali 2020 - Human Social Bonding Retains Through Virtual Platforms

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25 Nov, 20 09:42
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- Arkaprava Das

Diwali 2020 - Human Social Bonding Retains Through Virtual Platforms

Previously,itwas the alarmofpollutionthatwasNational Concern during festive days of India. 2020 has made usmoreseriousabout cleanliness, self careandecoawareness. Human race loves to play with mother nature with a habit to give scratch and bruises like a kid. Then, when it turns bad, we all cry and shout for fast remedy. That gave us our new breakthrough to advance more towards progress. Continuing with it, to protect ourselves from this current danger of COVID-19 we're innovating new ways to stay connected as well as enjoy our festive time. We're allowing to get pleasure, not from real sources but through virtual options. In this protocol comes our grand festivals, where we once used to gather together to witnessthemoment'smagic and share our bliss. Like Dussehra and Durga Puja celebrated just a month ago, Diwali too is planned up virtually all over the world. Since this year is crucial to keep ourselves safe from the contagious fast spreading viral disease, matter to control air pollution during Diwali days is given even more strong consideration. Accordingly, complete ban on toxic firecrackers is announced by Green Tribunal to be followed in various Indian States and Union Territories. This and other strict additional initiatives are taken to safeguard environment and people's life. To stimulate public sentiment, State Ministries, like Uttar PradeshandDelhihaveannouncedonlineshowof'Deepotsav' and Diwali Puja. As the festive enjoyment remains unfulfilled without social connectionsandgastronomicdelights,websitesforglobalonline connectivity are coming up in large number these days with plenty of interesting options. As for Diwali, it is 'Indian Sweets' that undoubtedly raise desire in every heart to have a taste of it. Nothing stops it this year too, for the festive charm is being shared virtually through loads of public Tweets in this season with nut'n'kesar enriched 'Soan Papdi' - the most anticipated Diwali Sweet.

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यह खबर निम्न श्रेणियों पर भी है: Arkprava Das
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