
Scope Of India's Economic Gain From US Election

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25 Nov, 20 09:22
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- Arkaprava Das

Scope Of India's Economic Gain From US Election

Year 2020 will be remembered as a tough time for the world that witnessed a new and incurable viral pandemic COVID-19 claiming several people's life all over damaging lifestyle as well as economy. Throughout the year the subject of protecting human life and the affected aspects of modern day's civilization was given the first thought. Still, other remarkable events took place to remind us that common saying, 'Life is full of struggles and events.'A major political event that is on its way is the USPresidentialElection on November 3, 2020, which is going to set significant impact on world's business and currency value. Acting Republican President Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden, respective candidates from the two leading political camps of United States of America, have presented their prospects. India, being among the top developing countries has its concerns on utilising those areas from where it can gain its priority and advantages. Keeping apart the so far not much confirmed speculations over certain parts of India's equity and stocks applicable for US trade as computed based on similar agenda of substantial fiscal stimulus aiming to raise values of US dollars and gold proposed by boththeparties,thereispositive indication for India to get good result through its investment in Technology andPharmaexports,thetwoimportant commercialunitsgaining maximum business shares from US market. Particularly in the present COVID-19 circumstance, these two units are expected to earn much profit to give strong boost in fetching revenue through foreign trade. On this part, the voting result will play the decisive role, since Trump's objectivesticks towards theprovisions forenhancingUSmanufacturing, jobs to US nationals putting restrictions on immigrant VISAand while Biden's policies are more optimistic for foreign trades. With the increase in consumer demand once public life gets back to normalcy after lockdown and the desired growth of the Industry for the purpose of fulfilling the gap, India's Automotive Industry is another competitive exporter in this game that is anticipated to make benefit after the US voting result, if not blockedwith hard import policies forSouthAsiatic countries to secure national interest upon any trade disputes. Now, the stage will finally be complete when we find the right candidate to win the election to give us the best option of making foreign trade in USA. This is a crucial event to give the right opportunity to India to emerge as chief Asia Pacific exporter in foreign market.

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यह खबर निम्न श्रेणियों पर भी है: Arkprava Das
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