
Campaign for the Preservation of Culture and Values

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01 Jan, 24 11:28
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Bhagwan Prasad Gaur, Journalist, Udaipur

Campaign for the Preservation of Culture and Values

Every citizen plays a crucial role in the nation's development. Today's newborn will shape the future of the country. The child's education, upbringing, and values will determine the success and progress of the nation. It is essential to understand the significance of every action and task, as sometimes, what is considered unimportant can become revolutionary in the future. Keeping this in mind, our ancient sages and saints emphasized the importance of culture and traditions in society.
As the world evolves, Western culture has significantly influenced us. Many Indians are forgetting their cultural roots. To address this, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken the initiative to remind people of their heritage. Starting with the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, he is now focusing on economically empowering the poor, tribal communities, and women.
Recently, during his visit to the Barki Gram Sabha in Varanasi, the Prime Minister discussed with Chanda Devi of the Radha Mahila Self-Help Group the tradition of sitting down while eating and the wastage of food. Stressing the importance of cultural values, he suggested eating with respect, avoiding wastage, and supporting employment through serving meals. This emphasizes the need to reintegrate cultural values into our lives.
Food habits are an essential part of daily routine. Any compromise in this area should be avoided. The Prime Minister has highlighted the importance of healthy eating habits by invoking ancient wisdom. The strength of a warrior and the wisdom of a judge vanish without proper nutrition. Food is the essence of life and the protector of the body and mind. Life is dependent on strength, and one should never forget this.
Hence, it is essential to adopt the traditional way of eating, as suggested by our ancient scriptures, Markandeya Purana, and Mahabharata. Proper digestion and a strong digestive system help prevent various diseases. Remembering the cultural significance of meals will contribute to the mental and physical well-being of society.
The Prime Minister's first step is to encourage the younger generation to embrace traditional values. Food should be considered a divine offering. Eating should ideally be done in a seated position, and only as much food as necessary should be consumed. Preserving food for future generations and respecting the farmers who provide us with nourishment are crucial.
Respecting food as a form of divine grace, avoiding wastage, and serving it with gratitude not only prevent food from going to waste but also create employment opportunities. By taking a solemn pledge to reintegrate cultural values, the dream of a developed India can become a reality, bringing sweetness to our lives.

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