
An Uninvited Guest May Break Into Your New Year Party

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01 Jan, 24 11:25
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Nandini singh

An Uninvited Guest May Break Into Your New Year Party

As the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, people around the world come together to celebrate the end of  year and the beginning of the next. But beware an uninvited guest may break into your new year party stealthily and may give you a bout of fever, cough and running nose while taking the pink of your health away with him.
No, no don’t panic as we have timely put you on alert so that you can be a bit cautious while you immerse yourself in the festive spirits.
And yes, we know that after living an isolated and virtual life in the last years, you are very excited to celebrate the festivals in a real way. Do celebrate but keep in mind that Covid -19 cases have started taking a surge in India again with a detection of a threatening new variant JN.1
The World Health Organization has deemed this new variant as a ‘Variant of Concern.’
INSACOG’s (India SARS- COV -2-Genomic Consortium) chief Dr. N.K.Arora has said that no additional dose of vaccine is needed at present. But he has suggested precaution for those who are sixty years of age and above, those who have comorbidities and those who are on immunosuppressant drugs.
The symptoms involved with this variant are same as that of other variants of omicron, like cough, fever and nasal discharge.
The New Year's celebration is a time for rejoicing in the possibilities of the future while cherishing the experiences of the past. In the past we had owned some good habits of keeping our hands clean, using masks and sanitizers, isolating if  not well or keeping distance if having symptoms. It seems we just have to keep  with these habits and we’ll smoothly sail into the new year all happy and healthy.
At the heart of the New Year's celebration is the spirit of renewal and new beginnings. It is a time for introspection, as individuals reflect on the triumphs and challenges of the past year. It is also an opportunity to set new goals, embrace fresh perspectives, and let go of the burdens that weigh us down. The tradition of making New Year's resolutions is a manifestation of this collective yearning for self-improvement and growth. Whether it's vowing to lead a healthier lifestyle, pursue a long-held dream, or prioritize personal relationships, the act of setting resolutions symbolizes the innate human desire for positive change.
The transition from one year to the next serves as a powerful reminder of the passage of time and our place within it. This temporal significance underscores the New Year as a time for reflection, gratitude, and forward-looking optimism. It is a time to appreciate the lessons learned and the moments cherished, while also embracing the unknown possibilities that lie ahead.
The New Year's celebration is not merely a milestone on the calendar; it is a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity, resilience, and the enduring pursuit of a better tomorrow. It is a testament to our shared belief in the transformative power of hope and renewal.
As the world collectively bids farewell to the old and embraces the new, let us take this opportunity to cherish the moments that have shaped us, set intentions for the future, and stand united in our quest for a brighter, more hopeful tomorrow. Happy New Year to all, and may the spirit of renewal and possibility guide us in the days to come.
Being aware and a donning a Covid appropriate behaviour  will keep you healthy and safe this new year.

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