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09 Sep, 23 11:08
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Dr. Bhumika Dashora

Dr. Sachin Gupta

The Indian handloom textile industry, an integral part of the Indian economy, is the oldest industry in the country. The handloom industry represents the traditional and unique art of weaving cloth and plays an important role in the Indian economy. A glimpse of traditional art and skill can be seen in handloom fabrics. These clothes are manufactured by skilled weavers. But at present special attention is not being given to increase the production capacity of the loom. As a result weavers are facing loss and unemploymency. Therefore, the country's oldest textile industry and traditional weaving art need protection. The handloom industry needs to compete with other power mills, there is a severe need to increase the quality of the products as well as make changes in technology and designs for the survival of the industry, so that the products can be molded in the latest form. Machine-made products are cheaper while hand-woven garments are relatively more expensive due to human labor. It is necessary to adopt new techniques in handloom clothes so that hand-woven clothes can be brought at par with clothes made in power looms and mills. The work of promotion, marketing and weaving of handloom fabrics is mainly done by weavers, intermediaries, cooperatives and marketing organizations. Under this, Apex Weaver Societies, Handloom House, All India Handloom Fabric Marketing Societies, Handicraft Sales Center and Handloom Export Corporation etc. are included. Presently handloom fabrics are also being marketed through social networking sites. The interests of handloom weavers can be protected by using marketing policies. To sell their products in the market at competitive prices, the standard of living can be improved by providing adequate employment opportunities and improving marketing policies. The handloom industry in India provides employment to the people as an economic activity and helps in expanding the handicraft arts and crafts to the global market in a big way. But the handloom industry is facing the problems of obsolete technologies, unorganized production system, low productivity, insufficient working capital, traditional product range, weak marketing system, overall stability of production and sales and competition from powerloom sector etc. The handloom industry has grown to a great extent over a period of time, it has expanded all over the country but most of the handloom units are run either on sole proprietorship or partnership basis, the owners lack the required professional approach in handing over the overall management of their units. Therefore many of them are not aware of the modern techniques of marketing such as product development, brand promotion, packaging, advertising, market survey and demand forecasting etc. There is a need to study and implement marketing practices to maximize sales volume,  different marketing strategies and sales promotional strategies, there is a need to increase exports. To promote the handloom sector, many steps are being taken by the government to preserve the heritage, under this projects like 'Make in India', 'Skill India' and 'Digital India' have proved beneficial for the handloom industry and weavers.

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