
Developing awareness on Cultural Heritage in School Education E-Learning Workshop,14-18 Dec.2020

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---vilas janve

 Developing awareness on Cultural Heritage in School Education E-Learning Workshop,14-18 Dec.2020

 "AANO BHADRAH KRATVO YANTU VISHWTAH- Let the noble thoughts reach us from all the Corners," this Verse( Shlok) from Rigved- -1.89.1. CCRT stands for it and always strives to offer the Best sessions on Academics and Cultural aspects for the School teachers. The COVID-19 has hampered practical Courses of CCRT but not the CCRT team's enthusiasm as they have converted challenges into opportunities by organizing online Workshops for the teachers working in various states of India. These E-learning Workshops are focused on introducing aspects of Culture in the curriculum Teaching. With the Headquarters at New Delhi and Regional  Centers at Hyderabad, Guwahati, and Udaipur, CCRT has organized such Workshops.
Recently, CCRT, Regional Centre, Udaipur organized E-Learning Workshop from December 14 to 18,2020. Shri Suresh Karunik, Dy. Director welcomed 150 participants from TamilNadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Assam, West Bengal Chattisgarh, U.P., Rajasthan, Punjab. Haryana, and Gujarat, and spoke on "An introduction to the Virtual Classroom as CCRT's Pilot Project and its implementation at grass-root level." 
During the First Session, noted painter and scholar Dr. Shail Choyal delivered a pictorial lecture on "An Understanding of Indian Paintings." Through various slides, he explained the journey of ancient paintings to modern artworks. Pictures from Ajanta Caves era to Mughal paintings, Jain Paintings, Works of Raja Ravi Verma, Amrita Shergil, and works of contemporary artists were discussed. Dr. Chyoal explained how a painter observes various things of time and interprets them in his paintings. How is work influenced by geographical, time, situational changes?
The second Session was dedicated to Indian Music (Evolution, History, and Musical compositions). Noted, singer, Music composer, and lyricist Dr. Prem Bhandari discussed various creative and technical aspects of Indian Music. They gave Dhrupad, Khyal, Tarana Gayaki to light Music along with  Dr. Pamil Modi. Their melodious singing won the hearts of teachers.
 Dr. Alpana Singh, Head of the Department of Education, MLS University, spoke on “Innovation in Education from the perspective of New Education Policy” on the second day. She explained all the vital points of New Educational Policy highlighting the issues like Education for all, Protection of Rights, Identification of skills, Development of Brotherhood, To prepare for new challenges, and improve quality of Education.  While discussing the principles of NEP-2020. she said that primary education should be given in Mother's tongue, and other languages may also be given respect.   Having a multidisciplinary and holistic approach, she narrated that the teachers (who are the heart of the learning process) should ensure students' All-around development by making them creative and enhancing critical thinking.  She Quoted Gandhiji’s New Taleem and vision of Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam in her Session. She appealed to teachers to be innovative and sensitive.The next Session was dedicated to Indian Drama. Noted Dramatist and Director, Bhartiya Lok Kala Mandal, Dr. Laique Hussian narrated a story of Drama's evolution in India. He exhibited various slides illustrating ancient Sanskrit Theatre in Temples, Folk theatres prevailing in different parts of India. He told how the National School of Drama and other groups are contributing to develop contemporary Theatre.
 The Workshop on the third day started with a lecture on “ The Cultural History of India by Prof. Lalit Pandey, noted Archaeologist, Scholar, and former Director of Institute of Rajasthan Studies, Udaipur.
He said that Civilization is the highest manifest of Culture. Quoting various examples, he said that we have a living culture.  Many excavations and researches reveal that India has the Oldest Civilization in the World. Haddapan culture is the materialistic aspect of our ancient Vedic Culture. India has given many things to the World. The knowledge of Mathematics, Astronomy, Medical Science, Metallurgy, and literature, along with the oldest grammar, was given by India. The experience was made available by the Indian Scientists and Scholars in "Sootras” long back.  He replied to various queries of Teachers.
  During the Second Session, Vidushi Guru Radha Bhaskar Menon gave an illustrative talk on various aspects of Indian Classical dance form “Bharat Natyam." She explained Abhinaya and Margam's elements through live demonstration by Guru Bhaskar Menon, Shri Ananth Menon, Aparna Kiran Menon, and Vaishnavi Menon. The spellbinding performance with Vidushi Guru Radha and Guru Bhaskar Menon's expressive narrations made the Session very impressive.
On Thursday, Professor Laxmi Lal Vairagi gave an intense talk on  “ Rajbhasha ki Neeti our Bharteeya Nagrik ke Maulik Kartavya."
 Initially, he spoke about the languages and dialects prevailing in India and discussed the significance of everyday speech. After Independence, How Hindi has declared an official language in the Constitution. The status of other languages of the States was also discussed. Later he explained the Duties of Civilians of India.
Later Shri Arvind Bhatt, a noted educator and communication expert who spoke on "Stress Management during Corona Times." with the help of Slides and various interesting examples he explained; any external or internal event against one's wish has a harmful influence on the Mind or Body is called stress. He gave various tips to lead to a stress-free life. He said worry is like paying interest on the loan that you may rise in the future.  He suggested effective Time Management (Define, Delete, Delay, Delegate, and Do). His thoughtful replies with empathy, satisfied teachers in question session.
 The Concluding day of the Workshop had the first Session on "Conservation and Restoration of Cultural and Natural Heritage" by Professor Pushpendra Singh Ranawat, noted Geologist and Scholar and Founder Member of INTACH, Udaipur chapter.  He shared detailed information about Tangible, Intangible, and Natural Heritage of India and stressed the need to conserve these sites through various creative activities, like Quiz contests, Heritage Walk, popularizing local Culture associated with Heritage and natural areas.
Dr. Satish Sharma, former Assistant Conservator of Forests and scholar, exhibited many aspects of India's rich Folk Traditions through various colored slides. His narrative included festivals, temples, languages, costumes, dances, foods, forest products, farming, worshiping trees, animals, and water. He emphasized looking after plants, water bodies, and other natural resources to protect us and make us good human beings.     
 The valedictory session was graced by Dr. Hemlata S. Mohan, Honorable Chairperson, CCRT. The Director, Shri Rishi Kumar Vashist, welcomed her.  Dr. Hemlata S. Mohan talked about the significance of the relationship between The teacher(Guru ) and the Taught( Shishya). Teachers have tremendous potential to tackle many social responsibilities. They should encourage children to respect our traditions, values, and environment. She said CCRT believes in the concept of "Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam" and strives to develop a linking of Cultural with School Educations.
Shri Rishi Kumar Vashist, Director, CCRT, in his address to the participating Teachers, said that CCRT offered them the training by the best available Faculty; now it is teachers' duty to transfer this knowledge and experience to students through practical work.
Shri Rajesh Guleria and Shri Ranjoy Bhattacharya of I.T. Cell provided their service with a smile, and the Training Department team of Dr. Bharat Bhushan Vats, Shri Mithun Dutta, and Ms.Nidhi Maini. Social Media Team of Ms. Smriti Chopra, Shri Anil Agrawal, Shri Ranbeer Singh, and R.C. team of Shri Sunil Bhandari, Shri Hitesh Paneri, and Shri Hitesh Vairagi made this training fruitful for 150 teachers of India. The contents of these sessions will be available on the Facebook of CCRT.

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यह खबर निम्न श्रेणियों पर भी है: Vilas Janve
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