
Academic Institutes To Open With 2020 COVID-19 Safety Norms

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28 Sep, 20 05:46
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Academic Institutes To Open With 2020 COVID-19 Safety Norms

The world has given a tough battle against the deadly viral infection COVID-19 and our nation, India too remained in this league. Now, passing the struggle time of Isolation, Social Distancing, LockDown and Restriction in normal movement, we're moving ahead to bring normalcy with the Unlock Phase by reopening inter-state routes, markets, transportation channels and some major public places. As per the announcement made by Union Health Ministry on September 8, 2020, complete Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) has been introduced for Schools voluntarily classes from 9th to 12th, Higher Academic Institutes and Skill Training Centres that are said to be opened from September 21. These norms circulated by the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare are to be strictly followed in every State and UTs of India. The norms are divided in this way: 
Generic Preventive Measures: This norm is compulsory for teachers, employees and students and include:
# Physical Distancing of at least 6 feet, wherever feasible
# Mandatory use of Face Covers/Masks
Periodic system of washing hands (taking at least 40-60 seconds time), even if they seem not to be dirty
# Use of alcohol based sanitizer (taking at least 20 seconds time)
# Strict system of covering mouth/nose with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed elbow while sneezing/coughing. Compulsory practice of disposing off the tissue
# Strict prohibition over spitting 
# Self Monitoring of illness and timely report in case of any suspicious COVID-19
# Installation and use of Arogya Setu App is advised wherever feasible
School Rules before Reopening after COVID-19 Pandemic:
# ONLY those school that are outside the containment zone can reopen
# Students, Teachers, Employees who are staying in containment zone are NOT allowed to come to school 
# Students, Teachers, Employees are advised NOT to visit containment zone
# All work areas of the school, such as, teaching/demonstration zone, lab rooms, common utility areas are to be thoroughly cleaned with 1% Sodium Hypochlorite solution, with particular attention given in frequently touched areas
# Schools that were used as Quarantine Centres should be sanitized with special care and deep cleaned before partial functioning is resumed. Concerned teaching and non-teaching employees (50% of the strength) may be called to school for online teaching/tele-counselling and related works
# Option allowed to students from 9th to 12th classes to virtually or physically take lesson from school on a voluntary basis ONLY with written permission from parents/guardian
# Provision of Contactless Attendance System should be implemented instead of Biometric Attendance for school administration
# Seating plan should be modified to keep at least 6 feet gap between benches in the classroom and staff room, office areas (including receptions) and other places (mess, libraries, cafeterias), etc. 
# Implementing sufficient hand washing facilities with correct disinfecting soap
# Special marking (for at least 6 feet gap) should be put in order to regulate queues in school premises 
# Weather permitting, open space can be allotted for Teacher-Parent, Teacher-Student interaction
# Assemblies, Sports and any Group Events are strictly prohibited
# School should display State helpline Number, Numbers of Local Health Authorities, etc. and should be available with teachers, students, employees
# Air-conditioning/Ventilation System should be maintained with CPWD guidelines keeping the cooling range 24-30 degree C, relative humidity of 40-70%. Sufficient provision should be taken for fresh air.
# Students' Lockers should be allowed ONLY with thorough disinfection and maintaining Physical Distancing norms
# Gymnasiums should follow MoHFW guidelines. Swimming Pools to remain closed
Planning of Activity Schedule:
# School employees of higher risk, such as, old, pregnant, undergoing medical treatment are to be given extra attention. They should not be allotted for front-line work with the risk of direct contact 
Keeping Safety Stock Ready:
#Adequate stock of COVID-19 protection accessories, such as, face covers/masks, visors, hand sanitizers, etc. should be made
# Provision of sufficient and functioning 
# Thermal Guns, Alcohol Wipes or 1% Sodium Hypochlorite Solutions, Disposable Paper Towels, soap, IEC materials
# Provision of Pulse Oximeter to check Oxygen Saturation Level of Symptomatic Patients is compulsory
# Provision of sufficient number of covered Dustbins and Trash Cans
# Provision of proper disposal of used personal protective items as per CPCB guidelines 
# Provision of proper training and awareness to Housekeeping employees on Waste Management and Disposal System
Safety System of the School Premises:
# Mandatory provision of hand hygiene and thermal screening in every entrance
# Provision of separate/multiple gate for entry-exit, wherever feasible. Entry of visitors should be strictly regulated
# ONLY asymptomatic persons should be allowed inside school premises. Any teacher/student/staff is found to be symptomatic should be immediately transferred to Health Centre
# Students are encouraged to make COVID-19 safety Posters and place it in various locations of school
# Correct Crowd management System should be implemented in Parking Lot, Corridors, Elevators with COVID-19 safety norms strictly followed
# Initiative from School Administration to increase Safety Awareness inside school among students/teachers/staff and strict supervision should be conducted to check itModification in Teaching Norms:
# Implementation of staggering school timings with Separate Time Slots keeping COVID-19 Physical Distancing safety norms correctly in place
# Teaching Staff should ensure to wear face mask/face shield/face cover as permitted while teaching
# Sharing of notes/textbooks/school accessories among students are NOT allowed
# Conduct skill based training in laboratories/ workshops
# Strict Physical Distancing and COVID-19 safety norms should be followed in doing practical work in laboratory. The room should be pre-arranged for the same 
# Lab equipments should be thoroughly disinfected before and after every use
# Ensure floor area of 4 sq. m per person available in work areas
# School staff should MANDATORILY sanitise their hands before and after using any teaching accessories
Norms of Common Area Activities: These norms should be followed in Library, Mess/Canteen, Common Rooms, Gymnasium, etc.
# Strict Physical Distancing norms
COVID-19 safety norms, wearing masks, hand sanitization, etc.
# Cafeteria/Mess within school premises should remain closed
School Transportation Norms:  
# Strict Physical Distancing norms should be implemented in case there is provision of school transportation for students/staff
Hygiene and Sanitation:
# Daily cleaning of school floor
# Provision of soaps in toilets and sufficient hand sanitizers in common areas
# Thorough cleaning of frequently touched areas, such as railings, door knobs, seating areas, etc. with 1% Sodium Hydrochlorite is MANDATORY
# Teaching Materials, Computers, Laptops, Printers, etc. shall be wiped with 70% alcohol based disinfectant
# Strict instruction of use of Close 
# Dustbins/Trash Cans for disposing COVID-19 safety accessories. Maximum 3 days are permitted to keep them and then they are to be removed as dry waste after cutting/shredding. # Students should not be involved in ANY cleaning activities
# Strict SOP should be followed for suspicious individuals found inside school premises and there should be separate provision of well ventilated room for them to isolate till they are transferred to health centre
# Parents/Guardians should be informed if ANY student is found in COVID-19 symptoms. Ensure to follow strict COVID-19 safety norms while they are isolated
# Provision of Risk Assessment conducted by Public Health Authority (district RRT/Treating Physician) and necessary actions taken wherever required 
# Thorough disinfection of school premises if any POSITIVE COVID-19 case is found  
 - Arkaprava Das

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यह खबर निम्न श्रेणियों पर भी है: Arkprava Das
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